About the Project
The crowning achievement of human communication is our unique ability to share intentionality, create and execute on joint plans. Using this paradigm we model human-robot communication as a three-step process: sharing attention, establishing common ground and forming shared goals. Prerequisites for successful communication are being able to decode the cognitive state of people around us (intention-reading) and to build trust.
Official Website: http://babyrobot.eu/

Project Details
Sponsor: European Union Horizon 2020 (Research and Innovation Action),
Time/Place: 2016 – 2018, ICCS-NTUA. Scientific Director: K. Tzafestas, PI: A. Potamianos.
Time/Place: 2016 – 2018, ICCS-NTUA. Scientific Director: K. Tzafestas, PI: A. Potamianos.
AthenaRC/RPI Unit PI: P. Maragos
Website: http://babyrobot.eu