Research Projects

Research Projects 2024-07-04T23:03:10+00:00
  • “BabyAffect: Affective and behavioral modeling of early lexicalizations of ASD and TD children”
    Sponsor: Greek Ministry of Education and Ministry of Development (Basic Research Program “ARISTEIA”).
    2014-2015, NTUA. PI: A. Potamianos, Senior Researcher: P. Maragos.
  • “TIMELY: Time In MEntaL activitY: theoretical, behavioral, bioimaging and clinical perspectives”
    Sponsor: ESF-Cost Action (European Network).
    2010-present, NTUA. PI of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “Music Signal Processing and Applications in Recognition”
    Sponsor: Greek Ministry of Education (Basic Research Program “HRAKLEITOS II”),
    2010-2013, NTUA. Scientific Director and PI: P. Maragos.
  • Dicta-Sign: Sign Language Recognition, Generation and Modeling with Application in Deaf Communication” 
    Sponsor: European Union: FP7, Specific Targeted Research-Innovation Project,
    2009 – 2012, NTUA. Scientific Director and PI of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos; also WP Leader.
  • ASPI: Audiovisual to Articulatory Speech Inversion”
    Sponsor: European Union: Future and Emergent Technologies, 6th Framework Programme,
    2005 – 2008, ICCS – NTUA. Scientific Director and PI of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos; also WP Leader.
  • “DIANOEMA: Visual Gesture Analysis and Recognition for Sign Language Modeling and Application to Robot Teleoperation” 
    Sponsor: Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology,
    2000-2001, ICCS – NTUA. Project PI and Coordinator, and Scientific Director of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “GridNews: Distributed GRID Platform for Advanced Content Management and Retrieval in Audiovisual Broadcast News” 
    Sponsor: Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology,
    2006-2008, ICCS-NTUA. Co-PI: P. Maragos.
  • “MUSCLE: Multimedia Understanding, Semantics, Computation and Learning” 
    Sponsor: European Union: Network of Excellence, 6th Framework Programme,
    2004 – 2008, ICCS – NTUA. Scientific Director and PI of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos; also WP Leader.
  • “HIWIRE: Human Input That Works In Real Environments” 
    Sponsor: European Union: Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project, 6th Framework Programme,
    2004 – 2007, ICCS – NTUA. Scientific Director and PI of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “PENED: Computer Vision and Virtual Reality for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Archeological Findings with Applications to Wall Painintings and Buildings of the Prehistoric Settlement of Akrotiri in Santorini” ,
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology ( PENED-2003),
    2005-2009, NTUA. Project PI and Coordinator, and Scientific Director of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “Aero-Dynamic Analysis of the Vocal Tract with Application to Speech Modeling, Synthesis and Recognition” ,
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology ( PENED-2003),
    2005-2009, NTUA and Technical University of Crete. Co-PI and Scientific Director of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “Statistical Signal and Image Processing Methods for Optimum Denoising and Detection with Applications to Satellite Data” ,
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology ( PENED-2003),
    2005-2009, NTUA and National Observatory of Athens. Co-PI and Scientific Director of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “Nonlinear Systems for Analysis of Microstuctures in Speech and Image Signals”
    Sponsor: NTUA Basic Research Program “PROTAGORAS”,
    2004-2007, NTUA. Scientific Director and PI: P. Maragos.
  • “Advanced Optical Imaging and Computer Vision Methods With Applications to Cancer Diagnosis” 
    Sponsor: Greek Ministry of Education (Basic Research Program “PYTHAGORAS”),
    2004-2007, NTUA. Co-PI: P. Maragos.
  • “Synergy Between Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Geometrical and Statistical Computer Vision Techniques” 
    Sponsor: Greek Ministry of Education (Basic Research Program “HRAKLEITOS”),
    2003-2006, NTUA. Scientific Director and PI: P. Maragos.
  • “Integrated System for Control of the Ecologic Quality of Soils”
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology (ΠΕΝΕΔ – 2001),
    2002-2006, ICCS-NTUA and Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki. Co-PI and Scientific Director of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “COST 277: Nonlinear Speech Processing”
    Sponsor: European Union,
    2002-2005, NTUA. PI of NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “Development of Novel Methods of Digital Processing of Nonstationary Signals for Improving the Accuracy and Resolution of Ultrasound Doppler Sepctroscopy in Measuring Blood Flow” 
    Sponsor: ICCS (Basic Research Program ARCHIMEDES),
    2000-2001, ICCS-NTUA. PI: P. Maragos.
  • “Aerodynamic Analysis of Human Vocal Tract with Navier-Stokes Equations and Relations to Speech Production” 
    Sponsor: ICCS-Inst. of Computer and Communication Systems (Basic Research Program ARCHIMEDES),
    2000-2001, ICCS – NTUA. Co-PI: P. Maragos.
  • “Evaluation of the Biological Quality of Soils with New Computer Vision Techniques”
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology (ΠΕΝΕΔ – 1999),
    2000-2001, Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS) – NTUA. Project PI and Coordinator, and Scientific Director of ICCS-NTUA’s team: P. Maragos.
  • “AKODIFON: Improvement of Phonemic Recognition by Developing and Using Modulation and Fractal Acoustic Features” 
    Sponsor: Greek Secretariat for Research & Technology (ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ – 98),
    1999-2001, NTUA. Scientific Director and PI: P. Maragos.